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Crafting a great sitcom is tough work, but networks that get it right basically print money. There have been some amazing sitcoms throughout the years, and while duds are inevitable, the genre has thrived thanks to its biggest successes.
Community was a wildly popular show while it was on the air, and it had a genuinely great cast. The stars of the show made bank while it was on the air, and while that's great, there were some tense moments on set.
Let's take a look at the alleged incident that took place between former SNL star Chevy Chase and Joel McHale.
Chevy Chase Is Notoriously Difficult To Work With
When it comes to actors that are notoriously difficult to work with, there aren't many people in Hollywood that come close to matching the baggage that Chevy Chase carries with him. Sure, he is known to be an exceptional comedic talent, but during his decades in the entertainment industry, Chevy Chase has been a menace to many people on the set that he has worked on.
According to MovieWeb, "SNL legend Will Ferrell also made concerning allegations against Chase. Ferrell described one occasion when Chase returned as a special guest and went around insulting almost everyone he came across."
Chase was also a nightmare on the set of Christmas Vacation, and the film's original director, Christopher Columbus, once said, "There’s no way I can do this movie. I know I need to work, but I can’t do it with this guy."
Still not enough for you? Well, there also Chase's longstanding feud with an equally-difficult comedic actor, Bill Murray.
Gawker did an excellent breakdown of Chase's problems throughout the years, and the list is shockingly long. The man managed to piss off so many prominent names that it's amazing to see that he actually had sustained success.
In 2009, Chase joined the series Community, and surprise, he caused problems.
He Had Incidents On 'Community'
It has been said that Chevy Chase was downright awful to his co-star Donald Glover, and Chase's behavior was called out some time ago.
At one point, the former SNL star said, "People think you’re funnier because you’re black," to Donald Glover.
Shocking, right?
Per Consequence of Sound, when speaking with The New Yorker, series creator, Dan Harmon, dished on Chase's behavior toward Glover.
"Chevy was the first to realize how immensely gifted Donald was, and the way he expressed his jealousy was to try to throw Donald off. I remember apologizing to Donald after a particularly rough night of Chevy’s non-P.C. verbiage, and Donald said, ‘I don’t even worry about it,'" Harmon said.
Glover himself spoke to The New Yorker about the treatment that Chase gave him, and his words had some harsh truth to them.
"I just saw Chevy as fighting time — a true artist has to be O.K. with his reign being over. I can’t help him if he’s thrashing in the water. But I know there’s a human in there somewhere—he’s almost too human," Glover said.
Chase, naturally, had his input on the matter, but clearly, the damage was done.
Unfortunately, this is not the only incident that Chase had on set.
Did He Have A Physical Altercation With Joel McHale?
So, what exactly took place between Chevy Chase and Joel McHale on the set of Community? McHale has opened up about the incident previously, and let's just say that Chase learned his place real quick.
According to ScreenRant, "During an appearance on Howard Stern's show, McHale said that he would often try to cheer up his unhappy co-star, but that "when I would try, he would just try to fight me, physically fight me." He expanded on this behavior in his autobiography Thanks For the Money. McHale writes that his veteran colleague would roughhouse with him in between takes, which he suspected was a passive-aggressive way of expressing jealousy."
The site stated that during a physical session, Chase demanded that McHale hit him harder, something that McHale wasn't all that interested in doing. Eventually McHale caved in, and the situation ended with McHale "accidentally dislocating Chase's shoulder and sending him to the hospital for treatment," per ScreenRant.
This sounds like an absurd and juvenile way of getting injured on set. It's just another one of those infamous Chevy Chase moments that will continue to follow him.
Chevy Chase has virtually nothing left to accomplish in his career, but at this point, is anyone willing to work with him for a prolonged period of time? Conflict seems to follow him everywhere.