Singer/Songwriter Taylor Swift is what you might call mega-high-profile. She attracts attention, good and bad on a pretty consistent basis. She has her loyal fans, the Swifties, her girl Squad of chums, and assorted friends who sing her praises. Then there are the detractors, exes, people she supposedly has feuded with, and some people who plain just don't like her pretty, skinny white-girl vibe.
Taylor Swift can be said to be 30 going on 16. Her whole life revolves around her music and her fans, together with her Squad of beautiful women. Think of her as the most popular girl in your high school and you've just about nailed Taylor Swift.
But what's it like to work for her? Well, while one or two former assistants have dissed her, mostly it's a case of reading between the lines and getting the measure of the real Taylor Swift. Here's what we think it's like to work for Taylor Swift.
15 The Blur Between Her Professional And Personal Life
From Joe Jonas to Calvin Harris to Tom Hiddleston and back again, Swift has dated a lot of guys. The pattern usually goes something like this: She is all gooey and starry-eyed over a guy for a time, then all of a sudden the chump has the door slammed in his face. Then comes the song about how horrible he was. Life is just fodder for songs for Swift. The staff gets used to it.
14 Silver-Spoon Attitude
Swift was born into an affluent Pennsylvania family. Her dad is a stockbroker. She got ferried into New York City on a regular basis for singing and acting lessons. Tennessee? That only entered her life when she set her sights on a country music career and her family moved down to Nashville to facilitate that when she was in her teens. She was a real silver-spoon kid. Expect her to be way entitled.
13 Good Manners Or Else
There are some people that think Taylor Swift puts on the nice-girl-who-loves-everybody-and-always-says-please-and-thank-you act. If she is, she's got it down pat. We suggest surveying some social media posts by a few exes or Kim Kardashian. The nice-girl thing is part of Taylor's brand. Staff is expected to support that image, please and thank you. Or else.
12 Determination In Spades
This is a girl who signed her first record deal before she even had a driving license. And then there is her ability to do splits. Splits? She says: “I was the kid in elementary school who could never do them. So it was a big goal of mine." For 4 months she stretched every day and finally managed to do the perfect split. As she says: “Take that, elementary school insecurities.” Expect someone who knows what she wants and gets it.
11 The Importance Of The Squad
Meet The Squad, Swift's hand-pick girl-power chums. Selena Gomez, Gigi Hadid, and Ellie Goulding all made the cut. Think of it like the "in crowd" at school and you get the vibe. Supposedly these rich, mostly skinny women support one another through hard times. You know, like when you put on a pound or your rocker boyfriend dumps you. They all have wonderful things to say about Swift. Of course, they do.
10 Only Pretty People Need Apply
Rumor has it, supposedly from an ex-assistant, Taylor considers herself so good looking that she only wants to be around good looking people. Hence The Squad. Tay-Tay likes pretty things only. So, that may mean that if you aren't gorgeous there's no point in applying for a job to work for her. Sorry about that.
9 She's A Home Body - Party Hard Types Go Away
If you had a $20 million New York City penthouse or a 12,000 square foot Rhode Island beach house, you'd be a homebody too, most likely. Lena Dunham, Swift's bestie actress, writer, director chum says Taylor's idea of a good time on a Saturday is night kicking back with an old movie and a glass of wine. If you party hard, look elsewhere.
8 For Swift, It's All Or Nothing
As her many, many boyfriends have learned, Swift is an all or nothing kind of girl. She goes from hot to cold in the blink of an eye. Staff can expect to be kept guessing as to whether or not they are in or out. If you're out, it will happen suddenly and without warning. Just ask ex, Calvin Harris.
7 You've Got To Be P.C.
Taylor is currently calling for the removal of racist statues in Tennessee. She describes herself as a feminist who is firmly behind the Black Lives Matter and gun control movements. It will surprise no one that she is pro-choice when it comes to abortions. Right-wingers would do well to stay away from Tay-Tay. Political correctness is required.
6 Don't Mention The Feuds
Kim Kardashian called her a liar when Swift denied giving hubby Kanye West permission to use Swift in a song. Nicki Minaj jumped on her skinny white girl's image. And she and Katy Perry competed over hiring dancings and other work crew for their tours. And don't even get into the exes and their woes. Staff can expect to referee social media battles.
5 She's The Best People Person Since Bill Clinton
The Hollywood Reporter has called her "the best people person since Bill Clinton". What the heck does that mean? It simply means she meets people well, puts them at their ease, turns on the charm, and makes the most of the photo op the moment presents. Is it real? Who knows. But staff know that it is an important part of the Swift brand. And they know to guard the myth with their lives.
4 Her Fans Represent Her Best Relationships
It can be said that Swift's best relationships have been and will be with her fans. Why? Well, look at it this way: With fans, all you have to do is take 5 or 10 minutes, maybe shoot the breeze and take a few selfies and then move on. Just about anybody could be charming, friendly, and sweet for a few minutes. Swift herself has admitted her best relationships are with her fans. Very revealing.
3 Management? Swift Is Largely D.I.Y.
Taylor Swift's wealthy parents moved heaven and earth to support her in her ambitions to become a singer/songwriter. But other than that, her so-called "management" is pretty flat to non-existent. Swift makes her own decisions and it has to be said they are almost always good ones. Of course, in the past, she's had big record labels like Sony behind her. That helps. The staff does it her way or no way.
2 Sensitive About Her Body
There have been times when some thought Taylor Swift was way too thin for her own good. At 30-years-old, she seems more body positive and does not pursue the ultra-thin body of her early years. She is not as sensitive about it as she once was, but the staff needs to be careful what they say about the Swift bod.
1 Led By Her Heart, Not Her Head
If you are looking for a completely rational, logical boss who comes to each and every decision with a cold and calculating eye, Taylor Swift is not your girl. Sure, she has made a big success in her career. But in most things relating to love she is ruled by her heart and not her head. Life with Taylor won't always be peaceful and calm.